The great irony of this project for me: Messiah is most often (around here, anyway) regarded as a Christmas work. On the afternoon of our Advent performance, the Handel and Haydn Society in Boston presented its 155th annual rendition of complete Messiah in Advent. When you get right down to it, though, the "Christmas" portion is relatively small. We are working these movements into a service of Lessons and Carols- and there is so little for the choir to do, I am adding a few non-Messiah works.
We are blessed with the presence of Synergy Brass Quintet, a phenomenal professional touring group that used to be based nearby. We are also lucky to have a member of the soprano section that can handle such florid melismas as those in "Rejoice Greatly."
Again, the worship geek factor is high. Be warned. All readings are the traditional Cambridge ones, except for the First, which will be Genesis 1.
Prelude: Messiah #13 (Pastoral Symphony) for organ solo
Light Christ Candle
Hymn: Once in Royal David's City -with first verse child solo and Willcocks brass parts
Greeting and Invocation
Reading 1 / Hymn: Angels from the Realms of Glory wth brass REGENT SQUARE
Reading 2 / Messiah #17 and 18 He Shall Feed His Flock - adult (soprano) and child (alto) solo
Reading 3 / Messiah #12 For Unto Us... choir, organ, and doubling brass
Hymn: Lo, Ho a Rose ES IST EIN ROS
Reading 4 / Climb to the Top of the Highest Mountain- Carolyn Jennings (choir and junior choir)
Reading 5 / Messiah #16 Rejoice Greatly solo soprano
Reading 6 / Hymn: Away in a Manger AWAY IN A MANGER
Reading 7 / Messiah #14-15 There were shepherds.... Glory to God! (maybe add trumpets)
Hymn: Hark! the Herald Angels Sing MENDELSSOHN with Willcocks fanfare for brass
Reading 8 / Messiah #19 His Yoke is Easy for solo brass quintet (thanks to the arranging of one of my tenors who is a brass player and enthusiast!)
Reading 9 / Hymn: O Come, All Ye Faithful ADESTE FIDELIS with Willcocks brass parts
Anthem: Night of Silence- Daniel Kantor
Hymn: Silent Night STILLE NACHT a cappella by candlelight
Postlude by the quintet- which will conclude with Messiah #44 Hallelujah!